Friday, February 22, 2019

5 More Popular Fragrances that aren't Worth the Hype


Hello, everyone! Welcome back! I hope everyone is having a great evening. When I first started my blog back in October I did an article that was called "5 Popular Fragrances that aren't worth the Hype". I figured since I have smelled tons of new fragrances since then, that I would do another list for them. This is only my opinion. I am sure yours differs. So, here's 5 more fragrances that don't pass the hype meter for me.

Hyped-up Mention: Dior Homme

This one is touted as one of the best fragrances of all-time. A "masterpiece" in many people's opinion. It just doesn't do it for me. Powdery powder laying on a bed of powder. I like powder too, but the iris and cocoa just don't do it for me. It's just dry and bland to me. It's not bad though, it's just not amazing like many have said it is.

5. Le Labo Santal 33

I was just not impressed with this one at all. The overall composition was muted and the leather stunk to me. Not to mention the pickle juice smell. This is one that people say smells better in the air, but I have yet to enjoy this one in any regard. It's just very bland to me.

4. Parfums de Marly Herod

I know I have put this one on lists before. It is a good fragrance, but I don't think it's worth the praise it gets. I get some kind of metallic vibe from it, like the kind from an unlit cigarette. Alexandria's Arabian Horse is less metallic and I enjoy the spiciness of it more than Herod

3. Bleu de Chanel Parfum
Before you get in an uproar, I like BDC. I just don't love it. I think the Parfum is overhyped and it just a woody scent. It's nothing original. It's safe. It's just a little bland to me. I like the EDT and EDP more with the freshness of the grapefruit and the interesting bite it has to it.

2. Mont Blanc Individuel

Again, not a terrible fragrance...I just don't think it's amazing as people tout it as. It's a safe and clean fragrance that is sweet, but it's also very synthetic. Synthetic isn't always bad, but I think it is in this case. I still wear it from time to time, but I don't think it deserves to be on top 10 lists.

1. Dior Sauvage

Now, I do like this one and I do wear it a bit. As with Individuel, I just don't see the hype surrounding it. It smells nice, projects, and lasts forever. It works very well for what it is, but I just don't see the "wow factor" that everyone obsesses over with this fragrance. Maybe it's because I am just not overly impressed with mass pleasing fragrances. It's a good one, for sure, but doesn't live up to the hype for me. If it did I would reach for it a lot more than I do.


Please don't hate me too much for this one. These are just my opinions. You are entitled to your own. I know I knocked on some popular fragrances tonight, but none of them I think are really bad, except Santal 33. I hope you enjoyed the list. Feel free to support my work and hit that blue follow button and subscribe to receive emails when I post. Everyone have a good night and remember to say something positive to someone tonight!

My original 5 Fragrances that aren't Worth the Hype article

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  1. Whaaaaaat Why would u even include Herod in there? Theyre not even in the same universe as the others!! And Santal is totally worth the hype IMO. Maybe a bit spendy though :)

    1. Meh, I don't like Santal 33 at all. I think Alexandria's version of Herod is better than the original. It's all subjective. I just wanted to create a list that goes against the grain and give people an alternate perspective
