Saturday, February 2, 2019

Save Some Money for that Special Someone- 5 Cheapies for Valentine's Day


Hello, ladies and gentleman! Welcome back to my blog! Thank you all for stopping by today! Looking for a cheaper fragrance that will make the sparks fly on Valentine's Day? Need some something to give you an edge to ask that girl out? Need something budget friendly so you can wine and dine that special lady? Well, look no further, I have some options for you. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I figured I would do a cheapie list for you all to give you some time to order the fragrances if you'd like to. All of these fragrances can be found on discounters or on their official site for under $50. These are just 5 fragrances, the list is not in numerical order from worst to best. Let's get into it!

5: Bvlgari Man in Black

Man in Black is a nice seductive spicy fragrance with rum. This one is for the gentleman who would like a classy evening out with their lady. It has a bit of a more mature vibe over Spicebomb, but it doesn't smell like an old man's fragrance. I like to call it "Spicebomb's more mature and classy older brother".  This is one to wear if you are going to a fancy restaurant and want to smell classy.

4. Versace Oud Noir


Okay, so this one is $54 at Fragrancenet. However, I wanted to add it to this list anyway. This is a very tame and mild designer oud. Throw in some saffron, cardamom, and patchouli and you're good to go. Don't let the oud name scare you. This fragrance is dark, sensual, and seductive.  A very good fragrance for a casual Valentine's Day dinner at Olive Garden.

3. Genre Parfums Noble Soul

Valentine's Day is infamous for chocolate, so why not go for a chocolate fragrance. Chocolate, caramel, coffee, and rum makes this a very sexy gourmand. She is sure to get in the spirit with this fragrance. At only $25 you can spare a lot of money and get her a real box of chocolates to go with it. Everyone is going to be happy with this one.

2. CK One Shock

I wanted to include one for the younger guys. This is it. It's sweet, playful, and a bit spicy. At 32, I still love this one. It has a youthful vibe to it, but can be worn by any age. You can load up on this one for around $20 for 200ml. So, if you are in college and need a great fragrance for the occasion, then this one is sure to please your girl and your wallet.

1. Scentstory 24 Gold

This fragrance is a beast. If your lady likes sweet vanilla with some woods and amber, then this fragrance is amazing. It's pretty potent, so only wear if she likes strong fragrances. It smells very expensive and she won't ever guess that you paid $20 bucks for 50ml of this heavenly juice.

I hope you enjoyed today's topic. Hit that blue follow button to support my work. I created a Facebook group called "Musings of the Fragheads". Join it here. Until next time, keep smelling great and remember to say a positive thing to someone today! You never know how much it can help!

Links to buy the fragrances in this article:

Man in Black

Versace Oud Noir

Genre Parfums Noble Soul (A link to Devin's Facebook where you can contact him about ordering)

CK One Shock

24 Gold


  1. Excellent as always! One thing I love about your blog is the variety of topics. Most "reviewers" are mostly stuck in one kind of review, like the top 5 or 10 stuff. This is a breath of fresh air coming here.

  2. Excellent as always! One thing I love about your blog is the variety of topics. Most "reviewers" are mostly stuck in one kind of review, like the top 5 or 10 stuff. This is a breath of fresh air coming here.

    1. Thanks, Daniel! I try to think outside the box and create different content!

  3. Btw, I've had my eye on that Versace Oud for quite a while now! :D

  4. Btw, I've had my eye on that Versace Oud for quite a while now! :D

    1. It's a good one. You can get a decant for fairly cheap at
