Sunday, February 17, 2019

Alexandria Arabian Horse Solid Fragrance Review


Good evening, everyone! I am so glad you could join me once again. Sorry that I didn't review anything yesterday. I had quite a busy day. Tonight I have another Alexandria solid fragrance for you, Arabian Horse, which is inspired by Parfums de Marly Herod. Also, I started a new Instagram account. Feel free to follow me there. I will have some exclusive posts on there. Now, let's get to the review!



Peppercorn, Cinnamon

Osmanthus, Tobacco Leaf, Olibanum, Labdanum

Vanilla, Cedar, Patchouli, Musk

The Scent


You get some sweet vanilla tobacco when you first apply it. It's accented with some warm and spicy cinnamon and a hint of patchouli and vetiver as well. A very nice opening. It's very cozy and well blended.

Dry Down

The vanilla comes out a bit stronger during this phase. it's nice and creamy. The cinnamon and pepper combine to give this fragrance a warm and inviting allure. The tobacco is there and very slightly metallic. Unlike Herod, which I get a lot more metallicness from it. This tobacco is darker and richer than Heroid and the vanilla comes out more strongly. The patchouli lends its woodiness to give it a defined masculine backbone. The vetiver is slightly dirty, but not so much that it brings the fragrance in another direction. I can't really pick up any more of the notes in this one.


I am getting around 7-8 hours with 2 of projection. If you put it on your pulse points then it gives off a nice scent bubble. All of these solid fragrances perform very well. I am surprised by that.

When to Wear it

Arabian Horse is best suited for colder weather and nighttime activities. It's rich, spicy, and sweet. It would make a great seductive date night fragrance. This one smells a little too upscale for jeans, but it could be pulled off. It is best worn for business casual or formal though. Ages 25+ would be suitable for this. It's not a clubbing fragrance.

Overall Impression

Honestly, I have Herod and I prefer Arabian Horse. There aren't many inspirations that I prefer over the originals, but taking the metallic bite down and amping up the sweetness did it for me. This is a very good fragrance. At $30, this is a bargain. It doesn't smell cheap and you can easily carry this on a plane and not worry about breaking the bottle or having too much juice. Another very solid releases from the house of Alexandria. Hany has also teased at many more solids coming soon as well, so keep on the lookout for them.  I am very happy to have this in my collection. I love vanilla and tobacco together and this one certainly quenches that fix when I need it.


Thank you to everyone who is sticking by me while Facebook is blocking my blog's URL. I hope everyone has a great day. Remember to follow me by email and by clicking the blue follow button to get updates while I cannot provide links on FB. Remember to say something positive to someone, you never know how much it helps!

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Buy Arabian Horse here


  1. Spot on review John. I get an amazing scent bubble with the solids from Alexandria. While I really like Herod, I believe Arabian Horse is as good or better. Nice job and keep the informative reviews coming!
