Friday, February 8, 2019

FragComm Fridays: Kenny Walker

The Fragrance Shark Logo that Kenny uses for his blog.

Hello, ladies and gentleman! Today I have another installment of "FragComm Fridays". This week I have a fellow blogger and good friend of mine, Kenny Walker. He has a lot of great content on his blog as well. Head on over to this link and show him some love like you folks show to me. Trying a different format out with this one. Let me know what you think in the comments! Enjoy! Now, on to the interview!

The Interview
1. What is your favorite fragrance? My favorite fragrance would have to be hands down Amouage-Reflection Man. It’s simply pure elegance

2. What was your motivation to start blogging? I wanted to combine two things that I love. Creative writing through stories and fragrances. To me, they go hand in hand. A fragrance tells a story and brings you to a realm that elicits a certain feeling. Stories and writing also capture that same correlation.

3. Why did you choose to blog over Youtube? I choose to blog because I didn't know exactly where to start. I have all these ideas reverberating around in my head that I wasn’t sure how to portrait them via Youtube. I think that will eventually I will start a Youtube channel and see where that takes me.

4. What fragrance do you love that everyone else seems to hate? I’m going to say Dior Sauvage EDT. It's a very controversial fragrance either people love it or hate it. I like the smell, it performs and is super versatile.

5. If you were stuck on a deserted island and only had one fragrance and you have to drink it(assuming it would be safe) to survive, what would it be? I'm going to say Creed -Virgin Island Water. What would compliment my withered body from the elements than a nice summer cocktail? At least it will harken me back to summer vacations.

6. If you could meet one historical person. Who would it be? I would love to hang with Jesus. You know his favorite fragrance is all of Thierry Mugler A*Men line.

7. Did any writer inspire you to start your blog? My writing inspirations come from various facets. Part American poet E.E Cummings to the vivid imagery through song lyrics of Matt Skiba of Alkaline Trio.

8. What Youtubers influence you the most? I really enjoy FRAG-MENTAL with his quirky sense of humor and is always super nice and humble. Redolessence is great with his calculated approach to breaking down a fragrance. Big Beard Business cracks me up and I enjoy his rants.

9. What is your favorite and least favorite thing about the FragComm? I don’t like when people bully other people or are downright disrespectful. Just less drama and more positivity will go a long way.

10. What is your favorite fragrance memory? I actually wrote about this in my review about Creed-Green Irish Tweed. That scent conjures memories of being a carefree child rolling down grassy hills. The air then blowing across my grass-stained knees on a beautiful spring day. There it is, ladies and gentleman. I hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to check out Kenny's blog and show him some love. Until next time, keep smelling amazing and remember to say a kind word to someone! Be sure to hit that blue follow button! Join the Musings of the Fragheads Facebook Group


  1. Thank you again, John, I'm humbled and gracious for this opportunity to let some people inside my world

    1. You're very welcome. Thanks for doing this for me.

  2. What a great topic John. I love hearing more personal things about people, especially when It comes to someone's personal experience with and about fragrances. This was really nice getting to know you better Kenny Walker. This was a pleasure to read. Thank you both for doing this. :)

    1. I love this idea John created. Looking forward to reading more about each person you interview.
