Thursday, October 3, 2019

A Special Rose: Fragrenza Wild Palermo Review


Hello, folks! I am glad you could stop by once again. Another double post today. I have quite a few fragrances to review in the near future. I am pretty excited about it! This one is no exception. Fragrenza is putting out some amazing fragrances and I wanted to check out this one. It's inspired by Xerjoff's More than Words. Let's get into it!

I was sent this fragrance for free. It does not impact my thoughts on it and I received no compensation for this review.


Olibanum, Labdanum, Ambergris, Fruity Notes, Woody Notes, Oriental Notes, Agarwood, and Floral Notes

The Scent


Wild Palermo opens up with a blast of floral and powdery rose with nondescript fruits in the mix. It has a fresh and lively opening. The fruity notes have a tart nuance to them and that note is the main reason why this fragrance is unique. I can certainly detect a bit of apple in there, but I can't uniquely identify any of the other fruity notes.

Dry Down

As WIld Palermo starts to settle you start picking up the oud a bit more. It's slightly smoky and almost leathery. The spicy notes are not overbearing. I can barely detect them, but they are there. Keep in mind that I can go anosmic to spices quite easily sometimes. The dry down is based more off of the oud, fruits, and rose. The fruits do a great job of defining themselves away from the rose, so they smell like separate notes, not a candied rose. That is what helps to make this even more unique. A lot of sweet rose fragrance come off as candied or cherry rose. This one does not.


Wild Palermo is absolutely nuclear. I am getting around 16 hours out of this. It could be more than that, but I don't stay awake that long. A solid cloud of 6-foot projection will grace everyone around you with its presence for a solid 5 hours, then moderate projection for another 2 hours or so. It takes quite a while for this one to settle into a skin scent. If you are looking for a beast mode fragrance, then this is one. At least on my skin.

When to Wear it

This fragrance would be way too cloying in the warmer months. Please only wear this in the cooler months. You might kill someone. Seriously, I am not joking. This fragrance can be worn at any time, but since it has such a dominant rose and oud note, I would say dress it up a bit. Don't wear this one in tight spaces. This fragrance is suitable for both men and women.

Overall Impression

This fragrance blew me away. The blending is superb and it smells quite expensive. It has a bunch of nondescript notes in it, but features a good dosage of depth in its scent profile. Just be warned that Wild Palermo is quite loud and it lacks manners in restraining itself at times. This is a fragrance that will get you noticed. If you are a rose/oud lover, then I would say you might want to check this one out since the DNA is quite unique to most fragrances in that category. 

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