Monday, November 12, 2018

Veteran's Day Special Part 2: My Top 5 Fragrances for Depression

My cooking crew at our Christmas party. I am on the bottom left.

Hey ladies and gentleman! This is part 2 of my "Veteran's Day Special". These are the fragrances that helped me the most during days of depression. Some of these are more recent acquisitions, but they help if it pops up again.

First off, thank all of you for the tremendous support on my last post. It really means a lot and I am glad that my writing was able to reach and touch some people. I am truly humbled that you let me into your lives, even if only for a brief moment!

"I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think."- Socrates

That quote sums up why I made this blog, not really to teach as the title suggests, but to make people think about them in a different light.

Onto the fragrances now! I will only give a description of each one relating to how it helped me with depression. I will do full reviews on these fragrances in the future if I don't already have one, which will include notes, performance, etc.

Honorable Mention: Mont Blanc Individuel

The reason why this one is only an honorable mention is it doesn't illicit powerful emotion like the rest, but it's still very nice. It smells like clean laundry with a touch of sweetness. That is always a good emotion to smell clean things. This one does that.

Number 5: Burberry Touch for Men

This happens to be one of my favorite fragrances. The reason why this is on here is that it has a very powdery violet leaf note in it that is super relaxing and calming to me. I wear it to bed to help me relax to sleep sometimes, I love it.

Number 4: He Wood Rocky Mountain Wood

This is the one that I was talking about smelling like a forest in my previous post. It smells like the mountains. Trees, rocks, all of it. Accented with a beautiful ozonic violet note that gives it a feeling of the mountains and forest after a nice light rain. Takes me back to some of my hikes through the Appalachians.

Number 3: Rochas Man

Yes, you could laugh at this one just due to the bottle design and that would lift your spirits alone. I like to keep it family friendly here so I will talk about the memories it invokes. It smells like a sweetened vanilla latte with some lavender. So, it reminds me of a coffee shop. I love coffee shops and the way they smell. This one just brings a smile to my face thinking about coffee. It says "Man" on it, but I think a confident woman can pull this off.

Number 2: Bvlgari Aqva Amara

I know the picture is bad, but it's hard to get a good pic with this bottle design.
This one is the beach one I mentioned in part 1. I think of this when I smell it. You are sitting on a dock with an orange juice. You can smell a little bit of the wood. The air is salty and you can smell the waves crashing against the rocks. If that isn't a happy place, then I don't know what is. It is still topped by my number 1.

Number 1(Tie): Alfred Sung Hei

Many of you probably haven't heard of this one. It's a really great one. This fragrance evokes the feeling that you are doing a daily meditation in the middle of a bamboo forest in China by a stream, the water gently flowing and surrounded by a meadow of jasmine flowers. 

It's a very peaceful and serene fragrance. Somewhat resembling a floral bar of soap with a slightly woody undertone. This one is unisex to me as well, even leaning slightly feminine, but men can certainly pull it off.

Number 1(Tie): Zegna Uomo

I am a self-proclaimed pluviophile. Which means I love rain. In fact, it's raining while I write this. This smells like the rain on a beach after a thunderstorm. That wet air smell that lingers after the rains. It's beautiful and understated. Rain calms me and so does the smell of it. I absolutely love this one. If you love ozonic fragrances, this is a must try.

Rochas Man review

Burberry house review

Rocky Mountain Wood review

Zegna Uomo review

Thank you, everyone, for the support. It means a lot. Feel free to hit the blue follow button to support me even more. Let me know what your favorite uplifting fragrances are in the comments! Have a great day!


  1. John, You write so beautifully! I love reading about your memories and descriptions. You are a natural at this! And I can tell you have a special and beautiful soul. Love you brother!

    1. Love you too Daniel. Thanks for all of your support. You have helped to keep me motivated.
