Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Mugler Pure Malt Review

Hello ladies and gentleman! I hope everyone is doing well and smelling great! Today I have a full review for Thierry Mugler's Pure Malt from the A*Men line. My favorite from Mugler. Let's get into it!


Top- Fruity Notes, Bergamot, Orange

Mid- Malt, Patchouli, Coffee, Cedar, Whiskey

Base- Peat, Vanilla, Amber, Musk

Pure Malt...There are so many things to say about this one, but I will try to keep it relatively short.

This is a masterpiece to me. Yes, it has been reformulated. I still get a good 8-9 hours with it and solid projection for up to 3.  It's not as boozy as the original, but it's still a great fragrance.

Sweet fruits, whiskey, coffee, and chocolate.  Gourmand, sweet, and a good dose of booze. The fruits make it sweet. The coffee adds to the warm characteristic. The standard chocolately patchouli that the A*Men line uses. This is a sweet boozy gourmand. It does that well.

One of my favorites in my collection, even in its reformulated state. Don't let the exaggerated reviews of it being weak dissuade you. It still performs very well. Just not as well as the original.

This is for colder weather only. Even now, this fragrance still packs a potent punch and would be super cloying in the heat. To me, this one is more casual, but it could be worn with business casual clothing. It's not safe for work for me, it smells too boozy. It's a great night out fragrance in the fall and winter.

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Top 5 Cheapie Fragrances for Fall