Monday, August 19, 2019

DUA House Review(4 Fragrances)

Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman! I hope everyone is having a fantastic start to their day. I recently had my friend, Cameron Byrd(I will link his Youtube channel below), sent me 4 samples of some DUA fragrances to try out. So, this article is not sponsored by DUA in any way. Thank you, Cam, for giving me the chance to try this house after so long! I said in a previous article around a year ago that I wouldn't buy anything from them, which I retracted and said I wrongfully judged them. I finally had a chance to test a few of their fragrances, so here is a short review of each.  Enjoy!

Popped Cherry

This one is an inspiration of Tom Ford's Lost Cherry.  I have smelled several Lost Cherry impressions and I have to say, this one is the best that I have smelled. The cherry smells more authentic and the blend is smoother overall. It has a certain creaminess to it. I can't vouch for how close this is to Lost Cherry because I have not smelled that one yet.  This one is just more rounded to me. All of them are great, but this one is the best smelling to me. Sweet dark cherries sitting on a bed of bitter almonds with a healthy dose of sweet syrup and a hint of rose.

High Seas


This one is inspired by Creed Erolfa. It's a good recreation. Although, I am not a huge fan of Erolfa(the Creed one), this one does smell similar to it to my nose. A salty aquatic with melon and citruses. It's okay, but that is not DUA's fault. Erolfa is just somewhat boring to me in general. It's a safe fragrance though.

Zeus' Elixir

Zeus' Elixir is inspired by Xerjoff Kobe. It's a very fresh floral with some citruses and musk. It almost comes off effervescent like a citrus soda to my nose at times. I do quite enjoy this one. It's one of those uplifting fragrances that enhances your mood. Clean neroli and an orange peel accord are the major players in this one, along with sweet benzoin and sparkling bergamot. It dries down to be a bit more soapy, but not powdery.

Midnight with the Mobster

Mightnight with the Mobster is inspired by Roja Dove Creation-E (The paper label one). I have to be honest here, this one isn't good in my opinion. I have another impression of Creation-E from Zoha Aroma and it smells much smoother to my nose. I am not sure if the problem is the DUA one was inspired by a different formula or not. The booziness and tobacco are nice, but there is something very dry and itchy to my nose in this. I am not sure if it's the type of ginger used or the patchouli, but it just smells off to me. Plenty of people love this one, so it's probably just me.


I ended up liking Popped Cherry and Zeus' Elixir. High Seas is okay. Midnight with the Mobster didn't work for me. 3/4 being nice/okay isn't bad though. Overall, they seem like a decent house. I still think they are priced a bit high for what they are. However, he does clone a bunch of unobtainable fragrances as well, so there is that. At some point, I wouldn't mind trying more to get a better idea about the house, but for now, this is my opinion.

I will try to do a more in-depth review of each in the future. I only wore these fragrances around 2-3 days each, so this is pretty much just a first impressions article.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Remember to say positive things to people today! Be blessed and keep smelling great! Don't be afraid to hit that follow button if you like my content.

DUA Website

Cam's Youtube Channel

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