Saturday, August 17, 2019

A Hyped Fragrance: John Varvatos Artisan Pure Review


Hey, ladies and gentleman. I hope everyone is in good health and having a wonderful day. This review is going to be of a fragrance that caught a lot of hype a while back and still is getting hype, John Varvatos Artisan Pure. It was touted as a unique summer fragrance. Jeremy Fragrance called it the "best summer fragrance on the market". My buddy Nathan Geck sent me a decant, so I will not go over presentation here. Let's see how it holds up to the hype!



Mandarin Orange, Clementine, Marjoram, Thyme, Lemon, and Bergamot


Petitgrain and Ginger


Orris Root, Woody Notes, Amber, and Musk

The Scent


Artisan Pure opens up with a fresh blast of some slightly sweet thyme mixed with the fresh and juicy clementine, sparkling lemon, and sweet mandarin orange. You get a bit of the petitgrain in here as well...adding a somewhat soapy green vibe. I don't notice the bergamot in it, but that could be due to the melange of citruses in this fragrance playing off one another. There is an herbal touch from the dry thyme.

Dry Down

As the heart comes out, you get a bit of dry ginger which adds a bit of spice. The petitgrain comes out with a bit of the orris root, which I believe it was is causing the soapy nuance in this fragrance.

As it completely dries down, you start getting a slight tinge of woodiness and the clean musk starts to take hold and the citruses calm down and it becomes more of an herbal and soapy fragrance. The citruses are still noticeable, mainly the orange and lemon, but they are used more as notes to brighten up the greenness and other aspects in this fragrance, not as the main protagonists.

I would like to mention that the soapiness is crisp and not powdery. The ginger is prominent from the heart to the dry down as well. I looked at some reviews on Fragrantica and they all list the citruses as the most prominent notes. In the opening this is true, but in the dry down you don't get as much of that. It's mostly a crisp and clean floral fragrance with herbal nuances.


This fragrance is pretty mediocre in terms of performance. I get around an hour and a half of 4-foot projection and around 3 1/2 hours of longevity. So, 5 hours in total. I wore this with temperatures in the 90s as well. It's not impressive on that front, but not terrible either.

When to Wear it

Artisan Pure is mostly a casual fragrance, but it's clean enough to pull off in a white shirt and khakis, but I won't dress this up too much. It's more of a youthful clean than a businessman type of clean. This fragrance is masculine and for the spring and summer. It won't hold up in the cooler months at all. I haven't tested it in the cooler months yet, but I would put money on it not holding up at all in the cold, but of course, I could be wrong.

Overall Impression

Artisan Pure was hyped to death. I am not impressed with it. I don't think it's unique. It doesn't perform well. I don't get it. Yeah, it smells very nice, but it's nothing to get excited about. It's just a generic clean fragrance to me. The opening is simply amazing though, but that fades fast into something that smells like most other fragrances with citruses, petitgrain, and ginger. No, it doesn't smell exactly like a lot of other things, but there are much better options to do what this one does. I can't name them off the top of my head, but I have smelled similar DNA before.

I don't like giving this a negative review because it's not a bad fragrance at all, but it's not special in any way. It's worth the 20 bucks you can get it for though, but not much more than that. I wouldn't suggest going out of your way to try this one.


Hype lets you down, folks. Don't buy into anyone who tells you that you must buy anything. Smell it for yourself. You might love Artisan Pure. Get a sample. I just don't see it as a must-have for me. Plenty of people say they love it though. You could be one of them.

Have a great day, everyone! Remember to be positive and show respect to people. Until next time, keep the world smelling fragrant and positive!

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  1. This is one that was hyped big time but never bought. I think I'm glad I didn't. Thank you John. :)

  2. This is one that was hyped big time but never bought. I think I'm glad I didn't. Thank you John. :)
