Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Future of Musings of a Fraghead

Thanks, Kenny!

Hey, folks! I hope everyone is having a fantastic evening tonight. It's been somewhat warm here lately, so I am sort of bummed that I am not able to wear some of my cold weather fragrances, but other than that, I am doing fantastic.

On my Facebook group, I have been teasing about some upcoming changes to my blog and plans I have for 2020. I am going to tell you about some of them in this article and explain some things. I hope you all enjoy it! Let's get into it!

My Logo

The header of this article is a new logo made by Kenny Walker, who is the same guy who made my last one. The one featured in this article is not the final product, so it will look slightly different when I officially launch the new logo.

I think this one captures my personality better with a nature aesthetic. The coniferous trees in the forest with a mountain and a waterfall. This logo is based off the video game, Firewatch. I think he did an excellent job with it and captured what I was looking for perfectly. He is seriously a very creative guy.

Here is a link to his Youtube channel. He has been busy recently, so he hasn't had time to upload much, but his reviews are really creative and he bases them all on some sort of theme. He really has a unique personality and it shows. It's a breath of fresh air to see his passion. That passion also shows in the logo he created for me.

A New Platform

So, I have sometimes held the idea that bloggers are underappreciated in the fragrance community. So, it's time to branch out. I will be launching Musings of a Fraghead on Youtube within the next month(possibly in the next two weeks, depending on how quickly I figure out how to work Youtube and the camera).

I was sent a GoPro from a supporter of my blog. This person would like to remain anonymous, but I am extremely grateful to them for this humbling gesture. It's simply amazing how you can make a connection with someone through the fragrance community and how many kind people there are in it. The fragrance community has restored my faith in the fact that there are still good people in this world. This gesture is a testament to that, along with everyone else who has sent me stuff during a time when I was struggling. I am forever grateful to have found this community and I don't take their kindness for granted.

I still plan on blogging as well. My plan, as of right now, is to do 2 blog articles and 2 videos per week. I know a lot of you enjoy my writing and don't like watching videos as much. You folks have gotten me to where I am right now and I refuse to turn my back on you for greener pastures. I will never forget where I came from or the people who helped get me here. I owe all of you everything for your support.

If you would like to go ahead and bookmark my channel or something, then I will drop a link below this section for you. It's not complete and I will be changing the name and such when I get closer to launch and my logo is complete. Somehow I have 18 subs already and I don't even have any content.

You will get the same quality from my Youtube videos as my blog. There will be minimal editing and authentic and honest reviews. Sometimes I am not as good at explaining myself in works, so it might be a bit strange at first until I get comfortable with it, but I believe it will improve with time.

Just like here, you can expect me not to ask for likes, comments, and subs. Everyone knows where those buttons are on Youtube. I am on there to spread my passion for fragrances and give honest reviews. My Youtube channel will be just as agenda-free as this blog is.

My Youtube

FragComm Fridays

My FragComm Fridays series will continue. However, I might see if I can incorporate it into a Skype call or some sort of voice program instead. I might also look into launching a podcast for that purpose alone. I might also do random podcasts and let people call in and ask me questions. This all up in the air right now and I can't assure you that any of these things will happen. I do have some friends that are interested in doing a podcast, so we will see what happens with that.

No More Top 10s and Hype 

As I said before, I am not doing top 10s anymore. No more beast mode lists and such either. You might get a fragrance rotation video or article or two. We will see how that goes.

Yes, my most viewed articles are top 10s or articles about performance. I don't care about views, subs, and things like that. My goal is to create real content. I am not saying top 10s are bad, but I want to be a bit different and just give you my honest opinion on stuff. You still might see lists from me, like my Some Good Fragrances for Winter article, but they won't be listed in any order or anything. They will just be me telling you about some fragrances I like for a particular topic.


I have a few more things planned for 2020, but they are more like dreams and are much more difficult to accomplish compared to the things I mentioned here. No, I am not trying to create my own fragrance, haha. Let's just get that out of the way now.

I am constantly trying to improve myself and push myself forward. With the help of the fragrance community, I have been able to successfully do that. So, I thank you once again, truly. This is a journey we can all take together.

I hope everyone has a great night and you keep smelling great. Be amazing and do amazing. Until next time, be blessed.

I started up a Facebook page for my blog. It would be awesome if you could go give it a like, review, or rating. Feel free to be honest if you think I can improve! Link

Want to learn how to support my work? Click here

Want insider news as to what I am working on? What I am testing? Any giveaways I might hold? Want to decide what topics for me to cover on my blog? Then join the Musings of the Fragheads Facebook group here! I also post every article I write in here, so that might be an easier way for you to see every post I do!

Follow me on Instagram


  1. I'm very excited about this news. I agree there is still an amazing amount of good people in the community. That by far outshines the bad. Glad you like the logo im still working on finishing it for you bud. Also thank you for those kind words.
