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Source: www.pixabay.com |
Good morning folks! I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the day (or evening, depending on which side of the globe you're on)! The FragComm is a wonderful place to share your ideas, opinions, and to learn about fragrances. Most people are very helpful and kind. This article is mainly centered towards people who are new to it. Maybe a few veterans can learn a thing or two from this as well. We are all on this adventure together and it never hurts to help someone else out. So, here are a few tips to help you learn about etiquette and how some things work. These rules go for most of the Facebook groups, but be sure to check the rules of the groups you are in to be sure they are in accordance with them. Enjoy!
Posting your SOTD is Encouraged!
Did you just get a new fragrance? Did it put you in a state of euphoria? Are you testing it out and wondering if others are getting the same vibes as you? Are you wearing your signature scent and you want to tell everyone else why it's so amazing? Then post it up in the groups as your SOTD/SOTN(Scent of the Day/Scent of the Night)! We want to know what you are wearing! We all learn from each other and you might be rocking someone else's future GOAT(greatest of all time) fragrance. So, let us know!
Don't be ashamed if it's a cheapie. A lot of us love a good cheapie, myself included. Just rock what you love. There is a chance that some others will agree with you on it. You never know until you try!
Don't Bash on People's Fragrances
If someone else is rocking that cheapie that made you have a headache because it was so synthetic, then don't tell them "it's a steaming pile of trash". Smell is so subjective and is deeply linked to memories. I believe in diversified opinions and transparency, but it's totally fine to say something is not for you and why you don't like it. I also believe in being tactful. So, use polite words when you say something is not for you. There is a difference between saying something in an adult manner and saying that someone's fragrance is trash and smells like Shrek's underpants and only a novice would wear such a gross fragrance. If you say that, then everyone else will think you are the novice because you can't accept that people have different senses of smell.
Don't Troll
Trolling is normally not acceptable behavior. People will not take your opinions seriously if you do. So, if you ever need anything from someone and you are known to be a troll, they probably won't take you seriously. It's okay to make funny posts. In fact, they are encouraged. However, taking it to the extent of trolling is a whole new ballgame and most people will just ignore you for it.
Don't Try to Sell Fragrances without Prices
Selling is only allowed in a few groups. Be sure to check if that group allows it before posting your sale. Makes sure you have pictures and prices on there. Not putting prices on there is seen as an effort to give it to whoever offers you the most. It's not seen as doing straightforward business. Put your prices up and sell it for that price.
Also, always use Paypal Goods and Services to make transactions unless you know the seller. Most people in the FragComm are honest, but there are a few who might burn you. Be sure to protect yourself when doing these transactions.
Don't Get Discouraged
If you see someone else getting tons of compliments then don't feel bad that you are not. There are several reasons for this. That person might work around a ton of friends each day and that is why the people are more open to telling them that they like the fragrances. Some people do inflate these numbers, I think, but not everyone does. I only get about 1 per week. Sometimes not even that. The most I have had in one day is 2. Unsolicited comments are pretty rare and there is a difference between someone going up to someone and asking if they like it versus someone who tells you that you smell good without you asking. The latter scenario is quite rare.
If someone else is getting beast mode performance and you're not then don't feel bad either. This has several causes:
1. You received a fake bottle. Post pictures and see if others can help you tell if it's legitimate or not.
2. You went anosmic(nose-blind) to the smell. Ask other people around you if they can still smell it to see if you went anosmic or not.
3. You aren't properly hydrated. Drink plenty of water to help your skin not absorb as much moisture.
4. Your skin is dry. Put an unscented lotion on before applying the fragrance to create a barrier for the fragrance to sit on and last longer.
Share your Stories
We want to hear what fragrances you enjoy. We want to know what the fragrances mean to you. Feel free to post about what you love about the fragrances and any memories attached to them. We always love to see passionate people. It keeps us all motivated on our journeys.
Don't Ask about Women's Reactions
This happens a lot. I like to call it the "Jeremy Syndrome". I have nothing against Jeremy, but some of his reviews do tend to lean in that direction. A fragrance isn't only good because of compliments and performance. It's what the smell means to you. So, I would encourage you to not ask about compliment factors. Like I covered above, there are factors that play into that. Fragrances are a work of art and are used for personal expression.
Yes, sometimes I use fragrances to get compliments. Compliments are nice. However, that is not the sole reason I wear them. While you are free to hold the opinion of wanting compliments from your fragrances, a lot of people frown upon this type of behavior in the FragComm. Do what makes you happy though, I am just simply giving you my point of view and you are free to yours.
Be Positive!
People in the FragComm tend to flock towards positive people. You will make a lot of friends you never thought were possible by simply being a nice and genuine person. Encourage others to explore more fragrances and find out what they love. Tell people you love the fragrances that they are wearing. A kind word goes a long way.
Cologne or Fragrance?
Some people will not take you seriously if you call it cologne or perfume. Given that those are concentrations of fragrances. The most accepted term for scented water is fragrance(s). If you want to say cologne, then that is fine. Some people just have an issue with it. Juice is also a widely accepted term. Up to you what you'd like to call it though.
Support the Reviewers
There are a lot of Youtubers and bloggers in the FragComm. Support them if you enjoy their work. It's always encouraging to see new people enjoy our work. I know Youtubers spend a lot of time editing videos. I personally spend 4 hours per day on my blog. sometimes more. I post every day. So, it amounts to about as much time as a fulll-time job. It helps to be encouraged that we are doing a good job.
Some Reviewers I support and watch:
Gents Scents
Joy Amin
Brooklyn Fragrance Lover
Mr. Smelly
Smells Like...
Daniel San
Carolina Fragrance Reviews
Agnes Eva
Big Beard Business
J Copeland
Smelling Great Fragrance Reviews
Chaos Fragrances
Luxury Fragrance Boss
Fragrance Rx
Max Forti
Scented Waters
Scentitar Fragrance
2 Scents Worth
Benjamin Chavez
OutLaw Frags
Scent Land
Mr. Sillage
Fragrance Reviews for Men
Blogs to Follow:
The Fragrance Shark
Mine, duh!
FragranceNet is Legit
One of the most common questions I see is asking if the grey market sites are legit. Most of them are. Most of these retailers get overstock products from authorized retailers, so they are able to sell it at a much cheaper price than retail. It's like Ross, TJ Maxx, Burlington, or Marshall's with clothes, but they carry only fragrances. Here is a list of sites that I have used to purchase items and have received legit products.
www.whatsmyscent.com (Use my promo code MUSINGS10 to get 10% off your order until January 31st)
Here are some sites that I have not used, but I know are legit:
Sites that I have used and are legit, but I do not suggest:
People to message on Facebook to get some great deals on niche fragrances:
Krystal Turner Montgomery
Website: www.krystalfragrance.com
Alan Berdjis
Website: www.beverlyhillsperfumery.com
Be Careful with eBay and Amazon!
eBay and Amazon can score you some great deals. However, if they have Creed Viking for $25...You can bet that it's a fake. Prices too good to be true normally aren't real fragrances. eBay gives a money back guarantee. On Amazon, they will only do it for a posting that says it ships from Amazon. It is also safe to buy if it ships from the company who made the fragrance itself. Amazon will refund you if you ordered from them and got a fake, but not from third-party sellers (as far as I know).
On eBay make sure to scour the reviews. Just because someone said they received a fake product doesn't mean they actually did. A lot of non-fragheads aren't aware of reformulations and design changes. So, keep that in mind. If you doubt the legitimacy of a product, then it's best to just not order it.
Clone Houses are Great
You will see some hate directed towards clone houses. They provide a different type of service, but it helps a lot of people smell nice on a budget and they are happy with the products that they receive. Alexandria, Genre, and DUA are great places to pick up some nice clones for cheap. Parfums VIntage is nice as well, but a bit more pricey. Don't fall into the lies about them making fragrances in bathtubs. That is far from true. There are lots of satisfied customers with these brands, including myself. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how the fragrances were made, as long as the customer is happy with the price they paid.
DUA Fragrances
Alexandria Fragrances
Genre Parfums (link goes to the Genre Facebook group because his site is not up yet)
Parfums Vintage
I hope everyone enjoyed this one! I am sorry if I forgot anyone for the Youtube reviewers! I tried to remember all of them! If you would like to support my work then it would be awesome if you hit that blue follow button on the right-hand side! Also, feel free to share this with your friends who are new to fragrances! Have a fantastic day everyone!
I have also created my own Facebook group for fragheads. Feel free to join!
Musings of the Fragheads Facebook Group
thanks John.Neil
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome!
DeleteAn upcoming reviewer that is more into ouds and does videos in English and Spanish is Hueleme Mucho. There aren't too many reviewers that focus primarily on oud except the Perfume Guru, Mr. Oz and Hueleme Mucho.
ReplyDeleteGood to know! I have never heard of him, so that is why he wasn't on the list.
DeleteFirst I like to say is thanks for the plug. Us bloggers don't really get the limelight but that's not why we do it. This is a really great read and you have hit a lot of the nails on the head.
ReplyDeleteThank you, my friend!
DeleteGreat share. Thank you. I already support many of the reviewers you listed here. Each has their own style and personality it is fun to watch. I enjoyed reading your vlog. Take care
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ben! These are not all of thee ones I watch. just the one I remembered. At some point I will make a comprehensive list of all of the legit businesses/sites and the reviewers/bloggers I follow.
DeleteHey man thanks for including me In you’re post it means a lot. Keep on doing what you’re doing you’re doing a great job and nice blog
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Solano. We are all in this together, so we might as well help each other along the way.
DeleteThis is probably the most important blog/review/comment that I've ever read since I joined fragfam last June! All of us need to read and see this. Thank you John. :)
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure, thanks for always supporting me!